Servizi integrati di ingegneria

Civil and industrial infrastructure engineering

Siding provides highly specialized engineering services for civil and industrial infrastructures in the field of workplace safety, project management, construction management and construction manager activities.

About us

Siding is a leading company in the civil and industrial infrastructure sector in Italy and abroad.

Siding supplies specialized Engineering solutions, Party Technical Consultancy and an integrated organizational model for the solution of customer needs, setting up the Quality, Environment and Company Prevention and Protection Service office, with direct assumption of the role of Quality Office Manager and Environment as well as Manager

and Prevention and Protection Service Officer (RSPP/ASPP), in construction sites for major works.


Thanks to the synergy between the multiple and qualified professional figures it employs, Siding creates its strong point in the ability to manage safety in very large and complex construction sites through a methodology that goes beyond the normal conception of consultancy and reaches a real own “security design” in enterprises.

In progress

Siding is currently involved in various civil and industrial infrastructural works, offering integrated solutions for design, construction management and occupational safety management.


The main partners of Siding Integrated Engineering Services include important operators in the sector, including: